North Ringwood Medical Centre is a privately billing clinic and payment is expected on the day of service. Medicare rebates are available for most medical services. Concession fees are offered to pensioners, health care card holders and veterans’ affairs card holders. Consultations are by appointment and a non rebate-able fee applies for non-attendance.
A current list of fees is available at the reception desk.
Please be advised that as of 07/12/2020 there will be changes to Telehealth billing. Phone consultations will be charged at the same rates as per our normal face-to-face consultations.
On weekdays and evenings, consultation is by appointment. On weekends and public holidays patients are seen in order of arrival and no appointment is necessary.
A reminder text message may be sent to your mobile phone, as a courtesy, for appointments that were booked well in advance. It remains the responsibility of the patient to attend their appointment, and appointment reminders are not guaranteed.
Some consultations – for example insurance medicals, pre-employment medicals, female health checks (including Pap. Tests), complete health checks, health care plans, surgical procedures, and travel health – require a longer consultation. Please inform the receptionist when you are making an appointment for these so enough time can be allowed.
Sometimes a third party will ask you to have forms filled out by your doctor. Examples of these include:- Immunisation certificates, Department of Social Security Reviews, school camp asthma plans etc. Please make an appointment to see your doctor for these. In certain circumstances, your doctor may agree to complete work for you without your attendance. A.M.A. fees will apply to these services.
New patients are asked to arrive earlier than their appointment to allow for registration of details. For your convenience our new patient registration form can be downloaded [here], for completion prior to your first appointment.

Waiting Times
It is our aim to keep waiting times to a minimum. Unfortunately delays are sometimes unavoidable and your understanding is appreciated.
Please inform the reception staff if an appointment is no longer required. Doctors here operate by appointment therefore a fee will be charged for non-attendance or cancellation within one hour of an appointment.
Patients will be contacted when test results require follow-up prior to the next planned appointment. All other results can be discussed by making an appointment with your doctor. Please make sure your preferred contact details are current with the reception staff.
If you have had X-rays or scans, films can be collected at the reception desk.
There are risks associated with some methods of electronic communications. Possibility that your privacy and confidentiality may be compromised.
Our Practice email account should only be used to contact us with non-urgent communications.
After Hours Care
North Ringwood Medical Centre After Hours – a service provided by a Principal doctor who has access to your records and will contact you promptly.
Call 0459 531 461.
Alternatively telephone 137245 (National Home Doctor), 132660 (Doctor Doctor), 1300 606 024 (Nurse on Call) or you can attend the emergency departments of Maroondah, Box Hill or Knox Private Hospitals.
Repeat Prescriptions & Ongoing Referrals
An appointment is necessary to review a medical condition prior to the issuing of repeat prescriptions or ongoing referrals. This is not only to satisfy medico-legal obligations but also to ensure optimal patient management and safety.
Requests for pathology referrals and allied health referrals
We aim to avoid disappointment but there are rules governing the use of government funds under the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS). If a third party allied health provider has asked you to obtain a referral (for blood test, mental health plan or “EPC” management plan) from your doctor, and that service is not clinically appropriate, then a referral cannot be issued. Alternatively, in the case of pathology referrals, a non-MBS rebated test may be referred for.
If you are requested to obtain such a referral from a third party please check your specific eligibility under Medicare with that provider. Your understanding is appreciated.
On site parking is available, with disability access. A bicycle rack is located outside the clinic.

Public Transport
The clinic is easily accessible by public transport. There is a bus stop for route 271 (Ringwood-Box Hill) directly outside the clinic.
It is the policy of the North Ringwood Clinic that all doctors have complete autonomy in clinical decision making, in whom they refer patients to, and to which pathology and diagnostic imaging services they refer.
We value your privacy and your medical record is a confidential document. North Ringwood Medical Centre maintains security of patient files to ensure information is only available to authorised staff members. The practice complies with the Health records Act (Victoria 2001) and the Privacy Act (Commonwealth 1988).
Your satisfaction is important to us. If you feel that our service can improve there is a suggestion box in the waiting area. If you have a complaint, please discuss this with your doctor or the practice manager. If your complaint is not resolved please take the matter to the offices of the Victorian Health Complaints Commissioner (Telephone: 1300 582 113).